Wow . . .this week is flying by. It's already Wednesday and i haven't posted for almost a week! The Van . . .sad, sad story. It's STILL not working, well, we thought it was fixed on Monday. We made it to the picnic at church and home again (it's a 5min drive there, and 5min back). Then, yesterday Jacklin had a field trip and we missed the bus cuz the van wouldn't start. I finally got it going and drove them quickly to the school, but sadly it died while trying to turn into the school. Yes, I blocked traffic for about 2 miles back, buses, teachers, students. I could not get it to start. A very kind gentleman finally came and helped me push it off the road. That is very nearly impossible at that time of day because the school is just off a main highway.
People are suppossed to drive 20 miles per hour in the school zone part of the highway, but it's constant traffic @ 7:45 in the morning. Well, after the van was on the side of the road, I had to run the kids across the busy highway to the school. Whew! Jacklin made it to the field trip. Thank goodness we have AAA. I called them and they towed the van to the repair shop. I borrowed a friends Suburban to pick them up from the bus stop yesterday.
Well, the van is still being repaired or they're still trying to figure out what is wrong. Kenny replaced the fuel pump, air filter, some sensors, but it seems to be an electrical problem. We just had a tune up on it in February, but I keep thinking maybe its just a defective spark plug or something. Cuz, I know so much about fixing cars.
So, today all the kids are home from school and I am sick with the flu that has been going around our family. the headache, sore throat, sinus pressure sickness . . .yuck! Aiden very sweetly made me breakfast-in-bed. he made OJ, oatmeat, and yogurt. Rona ate most of it, cuz my appetite is not too good. They are all so happy to be home. I told them they could do 1 chore and then play, so right now they're putting away their laundry. I put Sylas in charge of helping them get the clothes to their rooms, so we'll see. Sounds like they're fighting down there . . ."Sylas stop choking Aiden". Oh my. I'm being lazy and sitting in bed writing my blog.
It rained a bit last night for the first time in about a week. It's been really humid for the past 3 days. I do not love humidity. We're watering the garden and flowers alot and the garden is growing well. Although, the slugs have been eating some, so we've replanted. Anyone know how to keep slugs out? I love working out in the yard, better than working in the house. I would rather pull weeds and haul water to gently water my seedlings, than do housework. But alas, the laundry is piling up and the floors need washed. maybe since I have so many helpers home today. . .hmmm . . .
So, I'm meditating on that verse that "all things work together for good to those who Love God". It seems like there's a dark cloud following me around, but I know that God won't give us more than we can bear and that He follows along closely with us, even the very hairs of our head are numbered. So, it will all work out eventually and I still have so many things to be thankful for. Well, I gotta go for now, Colin has been up here crying twice, because "the boys are being mean to me" and "Sylas yelled at me." So, I will go play referee. "This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it".
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
3-day weekend ahead . . .
Oh I love extra vacation days! I haven't posted for a few days because my internet was down and I was too lazy @ night to go fix it. . .something about the modem getting reset? I'm just savvy enough to be dangerous, with technology.
Well, yesterday was Jacklin's spring music program and they've been working on the songs for months. She sings them around the house all the time. . .she loves to sing and loves music. We got loaded up in the van @ 6:30 to go and everyone was cleaned up and in clean clothes, and the van wouldn't go! It has been stalling for a couple months in the mornings, and Ken fixed the fuel filter awhile ago. He thinks it is the fuel pump now $$$. . .if it isn't one thing, it's another. So, we didn't go to the program and Kenny had to take the day off today to fix the van. Now, I could complain about many things, but I'm so thankful that Ken can fix cars; and we got to have a day at home together. It was going to be a crazy day, me going to work, and then trying to get to the grocery store in between picking up kids from the bus and going to T ball and softball games tonight.
We have had such warm, beautiful weather this week. I planted more flowers this year than in past years, mostly because I have time for it now. But, I also have to remember to water them every night so they survive. I love being outside right now. It has been such a nice spring. Usually it's already quite humid and unbearable. I'm so thankful for this beautiful weather!!
Rona went to the dentist for the first time yesterday!! She just got her teeth cleaned, because they wanted her to have a good experience before she got her filling this morning; yes, she had a cavity already!!! I noticed it about a month ago and I swear it's from all the fruit snacks she kept sneaking under the couch. I've been a mean mommy recently and haven't bought any fruit snacks since we discovered the "rotten tooth". Those things are aweful; i buy them for road trips to victory, cuz it's special and we're in the car for 9 hours. But, Rona had somehow been able to eat the entire box if she could find one in the cupboard. . .where was her mother?
Sylas has a mowing job for the summer, that he has started already. He gets $20 each time he mows and it's taken quite a bit of motivation to keep him at it. Usually Ken or I will have to go there with him to keep him working, but he went last night by himself and did a good job. He just has to finish the side yard a little bit today. It was so hot yesterday, 86, that he waited til later in the evening and then it got dark on him. He's trying to earn $ for a trip to Oregon this summer. It's really good for him to have goals.
Well, yesterday was Jacklin's spring music program and they've been working on the songs for months. She sings them around the house all the time. . .she loves to sing and loves music. We got loaded up in the van @ 6:30 to go and everyone was cleaned up and in clean clothes, and the van wouldn't go! It has been stalling for a couple months in the mornings, and Ken fixed the fuel filter awhile ago. He thinks it is the fuel pump now $$$. . .if it isn't one thing, it's another. So, we didn't go to the program and Kenny had to take the day off today to fix the van. Now, I could complain about many things, but I'm so thankful that Ken can fix cars; and we got to have a day at home together. It was going to be a crazy day, me going to work, and then trying to get to the grocery store in between picking up kids from the bus and going to T ball and softball games tonight.
We have had such warm, beautiful weather this week. I planted more flowers this year than in past years, mostly because I have time for it now. But, I also have to remember to water them every night so they survive. I love being outside right now. It has been such a nice spring. Usually it's already quite humid and unbearable. I'm so thankful for this beautiful weather!!
Rona went to the dentist for the first time yesterday!! She just got her teeth cleaned, because they wanted her to have a good experience before she got her filling this morning; yes, she had a cavity already!!! I noticed it about a month ago and I swear it's from all the fruit snacks she kept sneaking under the couch. I've been a mean mommy recently and haven't bought any fruit snacks since we discovered the "rotten tooth". Those things are aweful; i buy them for road trips to victory, cuz it's special and we're in the car for 9 hours. But, Rona had somehow been able to eat the entire box if she could find one in the cupboard. . .where was her mother?
Sylas has a mowing job for the summer, that he has started already. He gets $20 each time he mows and it's taken quite a bit of motivation to keep him at it. Usually Ken or I will have to go there with him to keep him working, but he went last night by himself and did a good job. He just has to finish the side yard a little bit today. It was so hot yesterday, 86, that he waited til later in the evening and then it got dark on him. He's trying to earn $ for a trip to Oregon this summer. It's really good for him to have goals.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Drawing with chalk
I'm going to bed now, but will get more pictures up soon with the other kids in them, too.
Thankful me!
I was thinking of all things I'm thankful for today, to make up for hating on Wal*Mart last week. I'll try to do the short list:
1. Ken, my husband, because he is so good to me, even when I don't deserve it. And, he works hard without complaining and he lets me work the coffee bar @ church (which I love doing); and he loves me unconditionally.
2. My children: Sylas because he can be such a comic, Aiden because he can be so serious, Jacklin because she gets me to play with her (so I dont grow up too fast), Colin because he makes me laugh and cry, and my baby Rona because we hang out together every other day when I'm not working.
3. Amy, my mostly helper, who comes a couple days a week after school to help me keep my sanity. She is just awesome and such a good helper with kids, laundry, meals, baths and bedtimes. . . when Ken is gone fundraising, she is my right-hand girl.
4. My house . . .it is such a nice place for our family and we are so blessed.
5. Our friends, near and far, who encourage us and hang out with us and love us just the way we are.
6. Our family, far, far, away in Oregon . . .they pray for us often and God hears and answers. We are so blessed to have such good parents, in-laws, aunts and uncles, cousins and grandparents and siblings.
7. Good health and energy (compliments of coffee). . .where would I be without my daily fix?
8. My job and Ken's job . . . it can be easy to complain about the monotany of cleaning for me, but I have such a good job. I am so blessed to be employed by God-fearing and loving people.
9. The bible . . . God's word, I get encouraged to count it all joy when I experience various trials. Instead of complaining about my life situations, I can have Joy, because as I experience these trials, I get more patient, more kind, more merciful and long-suffering.
10. Low gas prices . . . it's amazing how easy it is to complain when the gas prices are high, but now be thankful when they go down. I'm very thankful for low gas prices!!
that's the end of the list for now, but I am thankful for so many more things. I want to be an example of someone who is happy and thankful no matter what. It's so ugly to have a complaining, unthankful attitude. There's the saying "If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy" and it's so true that I can set the tone or mood for my home. I want it to be a happy, safe place to be.
Well, this last weekend was the soccer tournament up in NY @ our conference center. I stayed home with sick little Rona, Colin and Jacklin. We rested and watched movies and put in the garden and drank a lot of fluids. I think it helped Rona recover quicker. She's a lot better today. We bought vegetable plants already started . . . they just do better than trying to start with seeds. We had a frost on Sunday night, so I had to cover the newly planted peppers, cukes and watermelon. They survived and look very happy in our little garden plot. We planted marigolds around the border to keep out bugs, so we'll see if it works. I let the kids pick out something from the nursery to plant themselves. Jacklin picked a raspberry bush (expensive), Colin picked a package of pumpkin seeds (cheap) and Rona picked a pkg of sunflower seeds (cheap and colorful). So, we did plant some seeds, but I always have luck with sunflowers and squash type plants are easy to grow too. I LOVE to garden . . . I wish I had a bigger area for a garden, but it's about all I can handle right now. I also have an herb garden with basil, cilantro, parsley, dill, chives and lavender (for smell). I'm thankful for my gardens, too! And, thankful that I figured out a way to keep Aida out of it!
1. Ken, my husband, because he is so good to me, even when I don't deserve it. And, he works hard without complaining and he lets me work the coffee bar @ church (which I love doing); and he loves me unconditionally.
2. My children: Sylas because he can be such a comic, Aiden because he can be so serious, Jacklin because she gets me to play with her (so I dont grow up too fast), Colin because he makes me laugh and cry, and my baby Rona because we hang out together every other day when I'm not working.
3. Amy, my mostly helper, who comes a couple days a week after school to help me keep my sanity. She is just awesome and such a good helper with kids, laundry, meals, baths and bedtimes. . . when Ken is gone fundraising, she is my right-hand girl.
4. My house . . .it is such a nice place for our family and we are so blessed.
5. Our friends, near and far, who encourage us and hang out with us and love us just the way we are.
6. Our family, far, far, away in Oregon . . .they pray for us often and God hears and answers. We are so blessed to have such good parents, in-laws, aunts and uncles, cousins and grandparents and siblings.
7. Good health and energy (compliments of coffee). . .where would I be without my daily fix?
8. My job and Ken's job . . . it can be easy to complain about the monotany of cleaning for me, but I have such a good job. I am so blessed to be employed by God-fearing and loving people.
9. The bible . . . God's word, I get encouraged to count it all joy when I experience various trials. Instead of complaining about my life situations, I can have Joy, because as I experience these trials, I get more patient, more kind, more merciful and long-suffering.
10. Low gas prices . . . it's amazing how easy it is to complain when the gas prices are high, but now be thankful when they go down. I'm very thankful for low gas prices!!
that's the end of the list for now, but I am thankful for so many more things. I want to be an example of someone who is happy and thankful no matter what. It's so ugly to have a complaining, unthankful attitude. There's the saying "If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy" and it's so true that I can set the tone or mood for my home. I want it to be a happy, safe place to be.
Well, this last weekend was the soccer tournament up in NY @ our conference center. I stayed home with sick little Rona, Colin and Jacklin. We rested and watched movies and put in the garden and drank a lot of fluids. I think it helped Rona recover quicker. She's a lot better today. We bought vegetable plants already started . . . they just do better than trying to start with seeds. We had a frost on Sunday night, so I had to cover the newly planted peppers, cukes and watermelon. They survived and look very happy in our little garden plot. We planted marigolds around the border to keep out bugs, so we'll see if it works. I let the kids pick out something from the nursery to plant themselves. Jacklin picked a raspberry bush (expensive), Colin picked a package of pumpkin seeds (cheap) and Rona picked a pkg of sunflower seeds (cheap and colorful). So, we did plant some seeds, but I always have luck with sunflowers and squash type plants are easy to grow too. I LOVE to garden . . . I wish I had a bigger area for a garden, but it's about all I can handle right now. I also have an herb garden with basil, cilantro, parsley, dill, chives and lavender (for smell). I'm thankful for my gardens, too! And, thankful that I figured out a way to keep Aida out of it!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Firepits and Camping
Well, it's very late, but i had to write before I sleep. Thursday night turned out so fun! Colin's practice was cancelled, because of the thundershowers in the morning and early afternoon. Sylas decided an after-school nap was in order, so while he slept, we ran to the store for hotdog buns and the much-desired-by-Aiden Strawberry Lemonade mix and some more boxes of our new favorite cereal, O's. The sun was shining warmly down and we all agreed it was a great night for a fire-pit! We had the ingredients for s'mores and hotdogs and I made guacamole for the parents. We had just the right amount of coals to cook our food properly and enjoyed our 1st firepit of the season. Colin asked all winter long to "have a firepit tonight" , so he was probably the most excited. . .kept throwing in twigs to keep the fire going! All the younger kids needed to be bathed, so bedtime was late and we were all tired this morning! TGIF , well, now Saturday, officially.
Friday . . .Rona is still not feeling good, so no work day for me today. This weekend is the soccer tournament at our church camp in Victory, NY. Sylas has been practicing like crazy and Aiden is allowed to practice as well, but can't officially play until next year. We usually all go up together as a family, but our 5th wheel is in much need of some TLC from Kenny, so we decided just Kenny should go with Sylas and Aiden. Kenny is driving his tiny little Honda Civic up there, so I'm praying he makes it there safely and the car doesnt break down. I will cheer from home . . .GO URBANA! In the past they've won a couple tournaments, so we'll see!
I gave Rona some IB to see if she would perk up and sure enough about an hour later, she pipes up, "I feel better, Mom",so off we went to the mall to shop with our friend, Allie. We went to Old Navy for cheap flipflops and to finishline, cuz Allie needed new running shoes. I got crocs on sale there for Rona and Sylas. He's been wanting a pair for over a year . . I actually got him the mammoth style (slipper lined) because the liners are removable. He was thrilled to death!
Colin had a game tonight @ 5:30, so I took the 3 younger kids with me . . .he's playing 3rd base position and loves it! He is so cute . . . I texted Kenny the play by play cuz he was on his way up to NY already and usually takes Colin to the games and practices. He scored quite a few points for his team, had a triple and a double and made it home 2x. I will get some pics of him on here soon. Then we ate dinner at Subway and got a movie and came home to go "camping". We brought the little tent into the living rm and Colin and Jacklin are camping tonight. Rona is sleeping with me, so I'm not lonely. Looking forward to the morning. . . we plan on planting our garden tomorrow!
Friday . . .Rona is still not feeling good, so no work day for me today. This weekend is the soccer tournament at our church camp in Victory, NY. Sylas has been practicing like crazy and Aiden is allowed to practice as well, but can't officially play until next year. We usually all go up together as a family, but our 5th wheel is in much need of some TLC from Kenny, so we decided just Kenny should go with Sylas and Aiden. Kenny is driving his tiny little Honda Civic up there, so I'm praying he makes it there safely and the car doesnt break down. I will cheer from home . . .GO URBANA! In the past they've won a couple tournaments, so we'll see!
I gave Rona some IB to see if she would perk up and sure enough about an hour later, she pipes up, "I feel better, Mom",so off we went to the mall to shop with our friend, Allie. We went to Old Navy for cheap flipflops and to finishline, cuz Allie needed new running shoes. I got crocs on sale there for Rona and Sylas. He's been wanting a pair for over a year . . I actually got him the mammoth style (slipper lined) because the liners are removable. He was thrilled to death!
Colin had a game tonight @ 5:30, so I took the 3 younger kids with me . . .he's playing 3rd base position and loves it! He is so cute . . . I texted Kenny the play by play cuz he was on his way up to NY already and usually takes Colin to the games and practices. He scored quite a few points for his team, had a triple and a double and made it home 2x. I will get some pics of him on here soon. Then we ate dinner at Subway and got a movie and came home to go "camping". We brought the little tent into the living rm and Colin and Jacklin are camping tonight. Rona is sleeping with me, so I'm not lonely. Looking forward to the morning. . . we plan on planting our garden tomorrow!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Rona got the flu bug :(
Well, I wanted to work an extra day yesterday, but Rona got bit by the flu went into her eyes and ears and she slept most of the day. The waking hours were spent fussing and wanting mom to hold her and not wanting to eat. That is the biggest indication that Rona is sick! She LOVES food, just like her mom!!! I'm thankful that my genes have a good metabolism included, because sometimes I can pack the food away!
I went to work today, with Rona in tow (and blankey and bunny and lunch box and children's motrin). She's actually pretty good when she comes with me, just watches movies and plays Polly Pocket. I've even considered quitting daycare, but she really likes going and probably needs to learn social skills, blah,blah,blah... Her ears were bothering her still, but I came across this wonderful homeopathic medication when Colin was sick last week. It's made by Herbs for Kids and it's called Willow Garlic Ear drops. It relieves the ear aches and helps with grouchiness! So, now of course, she's feeling wonderful with that IB in her and her & Jacklin are outside setting up the tent and playing house. Jacklin is a wonderful big sister, she comes up with lots of imaginary games and plays well with Colin also.
This morning it was thunder and lightening and lots of rain, but now it's sunny and warm. We've actually had a spring this year! I'm so happy. Usually it's a one week affair between winter and summer; we barely turn off the heater and the A/C is on. Jacklin has softball practice tonight, so I better go and make supper...something Mexican tonight because I have avocados that are dying to become guacamole! I still didn't make the chocolate chip cookies that I was craving yesterday, so I better get into the kitchen and get busy. I'm actually excited that I know what I'm making for supper tonight.
I went to work today, with Rona in tow (and blankey and bunny and lunch box and children's motrin). She's actually pretty good when she comes with me, just watches movies and plays Polly Pocket. I've even considered quitting daycare, but she really likes going and probably needs to learn social skills, blah,blah,blah... Her ears were bothering her still, but I came across this wonderful homeopathic medication when Colin was sick last week. It's made by Herbs for Kids and it's called Willow Garlic Ear drops. It relieves the ear aches and helps with grouchiness! So, now of course, she's feeling wonderful with that IB in her and her & Jacklin are outside setting up the tent and playing house. Jacklin is a wonderful big sister, she comes up with lots of imaginary games and plays well with Colin also.
This morning it was thunder and lightening and lots of rain, but now it's sunny and warm. We've actually had a spring this year! I'm so happy. Usually it's a one week affair between winter and summer; we barely turn off the heater and the A/C is on. Jacklin has softball practice tonight, so I better go and make supper...something Mexican tonight because I have avocados that are dying to become guacamole! I still didn't make the chocolate chip cookies that I was craving yesterday, so I better get into the kitchen and get busy. I'm actually excited that I know what I'm making for supper tonight.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Wal*Mart the witches house... husband has dubbed it that. Reasons why I HATE Wal*Mart:
The bakery smells good
They already have fruit flies and the produce isn't good
I get a workout just to hike back for a gallon of milk (or 2 or 3) and a dozen eggs (or 2 or 3)
They only have one register open after 9pm and it's a good 1/2 hr wait in line
They have really low prices on most things, but
They don't do double coupons . . .argh!!!
I can find good deals on kids shoes after season
They put cheap ring pops by the register
You walk in the doors and immediately forget what is on your list because of all the low prices and proceed to buy many things you don't really need, just because it's cheap
If all you need is a package of hotdogs and a new goldfish, because Jacklins died last night, you have to hike nearly 1/4mile before you're done and spend nearly 1/2 hour at the witches house!
Oh, how i love to hate Wal*Mart...
where is the natural foods section?
Rona always wants the BIG cart
that she refuses to sit in!
I know, I'm no poet, but I had to vent...of course, I went there last night for a couple things after 9:30pm. I mean it was literally $27 worth ... i Needed icecream and bananas for banana splits to bless my husband and we needed shower gel...It took me 45 min. from start to finish!!!!!! I almost read an entire People magazine while waiting in line!! Needless to say, i was very frustrated. Oh well...I actually managed to boycott them for 1 year but it had no effect...they're still in business and thriving, darn it. Maybe on the new earth we can do something about them.
Rona is a bit flu-ish today, but no temp. so that's good. Colin got sick last week with the flu on Tuesday, started with an earache, then fever, headache, sore throat. So he got to miss a few days of school...yesterday was his first day back. He was so happy to not be going to school...they are all so ready to be done. I really hate this time of year because they don't learn anything new, they watch movies and try to cram in all the field trips and the field days and the papers that come home...egads! I'm so looking forward to summer and having them all home.
The bakery smells good
They already have fruit flies and the produce isn't good
I get a workout just to hike back for a gallon of milk (or 2 or 3) and a dozen eggs (or 2 or 3)
They only have one register open after 9pm and it's a good 1/2 hr wait in line
They have really low prices on most things, but
They don't do double coupons . . .argh!!!
I can find good deals on kids shoes after season
They put cheap ring pops by the register
You walk in the doors and immediately forget what is on your list because of all the low prices and proceed to buy many things you don't really need, just because it's cheap
If all you need is a package of hotdogs and a new goldfish, because Jacklins died last night, you have to hike nearly 1/4mile before you're done and spend nearly 1/2 hour at the witches house!
Oh, how i love to hate Wal*Mart...
where is the natural foods section?
Rona always wants the BIG cart
that she refuses to sit in!
I know, I'm no poet, but I had to vent...of course, I went there last night for a couple things after 9:30pm. I mean it was literally $27 worth ... i Needed icecream and bananas for banana splits to bless my husband and we needed shower gel...It took me 45 min. from start to finish!!!!!! I almost read an entire People magazine while waiting in line!! Needless to say, i was very frustrated. Oh well...I actually managed to boycott them for 1 year but it had no effect...they're still in business and thriving, darn it. Maybe on the new earth we can do something about them.
Rona is a bit flu-ish today, but no temp. so that's good. Colin got sick last week with the flu on Tuesday, started with an earache, then fever, headache, sore throat. So he got to miss a few days of school...yesterday was his first day back. He was so happy to not be going to school...they are all so ready to be done. I really hate this time of year because they don't learn anything new, they watch movies and try to cram in all the field trips and the field days and the papers that come home...egads! I'm so looking forward to summer and having them all home.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
my first entry...
Well, here goes...thanks to Della for getting me inspired! I don't know if I'll be able to do this justice, but so many times I want to write down cute things the kids say or do (or vent) and I think this might work for me. So, we'll see.
I'm supposed to be going to work, (my job that pays in $$$). I clean 2x a week for a very nice, Christian family ... i've worked there for 4 years. They have been very good to me and i'm very thankful for my job. I have a lot to do here at home to, but for some reason, i work better under pressure, so when i don't have as much time to get something done, i work faster and more efficiently. It's that darned procrastinating nature of mine. But, I've had 2 cups of coffee now, so I'm ready to head out that door.
All my kids are in school, except for Rona (my 3 year old). There's a lady from our church who has an in-home daycare and only 6 kids a day, and that's where Rona goes on tuesday and thursday. She loves going there, but likes her mommy and Rona days too, as she calls them. She's begging to go, so I must for now, but will write more later...hopefully...this evening after I read Della's posts.
I'm supposed to be going to work, (my job that pays in $$$). I clean 2x a week for a very nice, Christian family ... i've worked there for 4 years. They have been very good to me and i'm very thankful for my job. I have a lot to do here at home to, but for some reason, i work better under pressure, so when i don't have as much time to get something done, i work faster and more efficiently. It's that darned procrastinating nature of mine. But, I've had 2 cups of coffee now, so I'm ready to head out that door.
All my kids are in school, except for Rona (my 3 year old). There's a lady from our church who has an in-home daycare and only 6 kids a day, and that's where Rona goes on tuesday and thursday. She loves going there, but likes her mommy and Rona days too, as she calls them. She's begging to go, so I must for now, but will write more later...hopefully...this evening after I read Della's posts.
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