Friday, May 18, 2012

Another wedding weekend up ahead

This weekend some friends of ours are gettin hitched (and I'm not coordinating the event) so we have lots of out of town guests (not staying with us) and I got to go out tonight with some of them! It was so nice to see everyone, some I haven't seen in over a year. Aiden babysat for me, since Sy was too tired and went to bed.
I finally went flower shopping yesterday! I got some really pretty flowers and filled all my pots and still have some left over. I need to branch out more, I realize. I have just done pots for so many years because either I had little kids and couldn't manage beds or I had a dog that chewed and dug everything in the beds, but now I have time and no dog. Ken put in 2 raised beds for me last year for veggies and I love them! I'm still trying to decide what I want to grow in them this year. And I need some help with getting good perennials to put in my beds and make more beds. My neighbor has a gorgeous yard, but that's all she has to do all day, blah! I'm glad it's a chain link fence so I can look through and see all her gorgeous blooms. I'm just thrilled to manage getting the lawn mowed once a week and keep the weeds from taking over. Oh, and I also have an herb garden. I need to replant basil because it doesn't seem to come back. And cilantro. I have oregano, rosemary, and lavender and chives that come back every year.
I've included some pics of my flowers that Sy took with my phone while we were flower shopping.
So now I'm off to Target to try to find something to wear to this wedding tomorrow. I would really love to get a wrap dress. And I'm going to get some storage cabinets for the bathroom. This house has no storage for linens or towels that is built in, so Target has some stuff on sale and I've been needing these for a long time!

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